Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Father's Day!

For Father's Day weekend, I asked to have a family trip to Billings to play with the fam. We stayed at a fun hotel that has a great kids swimming pool. We swam and stayed up and watched "Chronicles of Narnia" with the kids for the first time. Saturday we went to the new Cabela's, and the mall, and the zoo. The following pics are from the zoo. The bear was the best. Bruno the Grizzly was active and playing in his pond. The sign said he was in mating season. Since he was "frustrated" to not have a mate, he paced and played all day trying to get rid of his energy. It made for a good show anyway. The kids enjoyed it.

I wanted to let my dad know that he is a wonderful father. He has always worked so hard at being the best example possible. It's amazing to see that he is working still on being an even better example to me and my children. Have a great day! We love you!


Betty Lundell said...

What a fun trip you guys had.

Betty Lundell said...

oh...and I hope you had a good Father's Day, Justin